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1998.09——2002.07        mk体育官网,高分子材料科学与工程专业学士学位

2003.09——2006.03        mk体育官网,材料学专业硕士学位

2006.04——2010.03        日本国立富山大学,纳米新机能物质科学专业博士学位


2002.07——2006.03         mk体育官网,助理工程师
2010.04——2013.03         日本高化学株式会社东京研究所,研究员

2013.03——2016.12         mk体育官网,讲师

2017.01——             mk体育官网,副教授


2021       入选辽宁省英才计划青年拔尖人才计划

2019       入选辽宁省百千万人才千人层次

2020         沈阳高校师德标兵

2021         辽宁省优秀共产党员

2019         辽宁省科技进步奖二等奖

2017         辽宁省技术发明二等奖







[1] D. Meng, T.T. Qiao, G.H. Wang, Y.B. Shen, X.G. San*, Y.B. Pan, F.L. Meng, Appl. Sur. Sci. 577 (2022) 151877. JCR 1区,影响因子:7.392

[2] X.G.San, X.H.Gong, D.Meng, Anchoring Cu Species over SiO2 for Hydrogenation of Dimethyl Oxalate to Ethylene GlycolCatalysts1220221326 https://doi.org/10.3390/catal12111326 (JCR 2区,影响因子:4.501

[3] D. Meng, T.T. Qiao, G.H. Wang, Y.B. Shen, X.G. San*, R.X. Li, F.L. Meng, J. Alloys. Compd. 896 (2021) 162959. (JCR 2区,影响因子:6.371

[4] X.G. San, Y. Zhang, L. Zhang, G.S. Wang, D. Meng, J. Cui, Q. Jin, Chemosensors 10 (2022) 270. (JCR 2区,影响因子:4.229

[5] X.G. San, J. Cui, Y.X. Chu, J.H. Xu, D. Meng, Z.Y. Pan, G.S. Wang, J. Qi, Q. Jin, ChemistrySelect 7 (2022) 202202258. (JCR 3区,影响因子:2.307)

[6] X.G. San, Y. Zhang, L. Zhang, G.S. Wang, J.Q. Cui, D. Meng, Y.B. Shen, Resources Chemicals and Materials, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.recm.2022.06.005.

[7] D. Meng, R.X. Li a, L. zhang, G.S. Wang, Y. Zhang, X.G. San*, X.L. Wang, Sensors and Actuators Reports 4 (2022) 100104. (影响因子:0.73

[8] X.G. San, X.H. Gong, Y.B. Hu, Y. Hu, G.S. Wang, J. Qi, D. Meng, Q. Jin, ChemistrySelect 6 (2021) 6115 6118. (JCR 3区,影响因子:2.307)

[9] D. Meng, T.T. Qiao, G.H. Wang, X.G. San*, F.L. Meng, Mater. Lett. 299 (2021) 1130023. (JCR 2区,影响因子:3.574

[10]  X.G. San, Y.M. Lu, G.S. Wang, D. Meng*, X.G. Gong, Q. Jin, In situ growth of WO3 nanotube arrays and their H2S gas sensing properties for reduced operating temperature, Mater. Lett. 271 (2020) 127716.

[11] D. Meng, J.P. Si, M.Y. Wang, G.S. Wang, Y.B. Shen, X.G. San*, F.L. Meng, In-situ growth of V2O5 flower-like structures on ceramic tubes and their trimethylamine sensing properties, Chin. Chem. Lett. (2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cclet.2019.12.021.

[12] D. Meng, J.P. Si, M.Y. Wang, G.S. Wang, Y.B. Shen, X.G. San*, F.L. Meng, One-step synthesis and the enhanced trimethylamine sensing properties of Co3O4/SnO2 flower-like structures, Vacuum 171 (2020) 1089942.

[13] X.G. San, D.Y. Liu, G.S. Wang, Y.B. Shen, D. Meng*, F.L. Meng, Investigation on trimethylamine sensing performance of PdO-decorated ZnO flower-like structures synthesized by one-step hydrothermal method, ChemistrySelect 4 (2019) 2694-2702.

[14] D. Meng, D.Y. Liu, G.S. Wang, Y.B. Shen, X.G. San*, J.P. Si, F.L. Meng, In-situ growth of ordered Pd-doped ZnO nanorod arrays on ceramic tube with enhanced trimethylamine sensing performance, Applied Surface Science 463 (2019) 348–356.

[15] D. Meng, D.Y. Liu, G.S. Wang, Y.B. Shen, X.G. San*, M. Li, F.L. Meng, Low-temperature formaldehyde gas sensors based on NiO-SnO2 heterojunction microflowers assembled by thin porous nanosheets, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 273 (2018) 418–428.

[16] X.G. San, M. Li, D.Y. Liu, G.S. Wang, Y.B. Shen, D. Meng, F.L. Meng, A facile one-step hydrothermal synthesis of NiO/ZnO heterojunction microflowers for the enhanced formaldehyde sensing properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 739 (2018) 260-269.

[17] X.G. San, G.D. Zhao, G.S. Wang, Y.B. Shen, D. Meng, Y.J. Zhang, F.L. Meng, Assembly of 3D flower-like NiO hierarchical architectures by 2D nanosheets: Synthesis and their sensing properties to formaldehyde, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 3540–3549.

[18] X.G. San, G.D. Zhao, G.S. Wang, J. Qi, Q. Jin, D. Meng, Synthesis of CuO/ZnO flower-like hierarchical porous structures and investigation of their catalytic performances for dimethyl oxalate hydrogenation, China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology, 2017, 19, 40–47.

[19] D. Meng, D.Y. Liu, G.S. Wang, X.G. San, Y.B. Shen, Q. Jin, F.L. Meng, CuO hollow microspheres self-assembled with nanobars: synthesis and their sensing properties to formaldehyde, Vacuum, 2017, 14, 272–280.

[20] X.G. San, G.H. Wang, B. Liang , J. Ma, Dan Meng*, Y.B. Shen, Flower-like NiO hierarchical microspheres self-assembled with nanosheets: surfactant-free solvothermal synthesis and their gas sensing properties, J. Alloys. Compd. 636 (2015) 357–362.

[21] X.G. San, G.S. Wang, B. Liang, Y.M. Song, S.Y. Gao, J.S. Zhang, F.L. Meng, Catalyst-free growth of one-dimensional ZnO nanostructures on SiO2 substrate and in situ investigationof their H2 sensing properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 622: 73-78.

[22] X.G. San, W.W. Xu, G.S. Wang, B. Ling, N.N. Hou, F.L. Meng, Facile preparation of size-controlled TiO2 nanoparticles by hot-filament metal oxide deposition method and their gas sensing properties to NO2, Functional Materials Letters, 2015, 8: 15500431-15500434.

[23] D. Meng, G.H. Wang, X.G. San*, Y.M. Song, Y.B. Shen, Y.J. Zhang, K.J. Wang, F.L. Meng, Synthesis of WO3 flower-like hierarchical architectures and their sensing properties, J. Alloys. Compd. 649 (2015) 731-738.

[24] D. Meng, G.S. Wang, X.G. San, Y.B. Shen, G.D. Zhao, Y.J. Zhang, F.L. Meng, CTAB-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of WO3 hierarchical porous structures and investigation of their sensing properties, J. Nanomater. 2015, Article ID 393205.

[25] G.H. Yang, X.G. San, N. Jiang, Y. Tanaka, X.G. Li, Q. Jin, K. Tao, F.Z. Meng, N. Tsubaki, A New Method of Ethanol Synthesis from Dimethyl Ether and Syngas in a Sequential Dual Bed Reactor with the Modified Zeolite and Cu/ZnO Catalysts. Catalysis Today, 2011, 164, 425-428.

[26] X.G. Li, X.G. San, Y. Zhang, T. Ichii, M. Meng, Y.S. Tan, N. Tsubaki, Direct synthesis of ethanol from dimethyl ether and syngas over the combined H-Mordenite and Cu/ZnO catalysts with high catalytic activity. Chem. Sus. Chem., 2010, 3, 1192-1199.

[27] Zhang Y., X.G. San, N. Tsubaki, Y.S. Tan, Novel Ethanol Synthesis Method via C1 Chemicals without Any Agriculture Feedstocks Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2010, 49, 5485-5488.

[28] X.G. Li, Y. Zhang, M. Meng, X.G. San, M. Takahashi, N. Tsubaki, Silicalite-1 Membrane Encapsulated Rh/Activated-Carbon Catalyst for Hydroformylation of 1-Hexene with High Selectivity to Normal Aldehyde, J. Membrane Science, 2010, 347, 220-227.

[29] [17] X.G. Li, Y. Zhang, F.Z. Meng, X.G. San, M. Meng, M. Takahashi, N. Tsubaki, Hydroformylation of 1-Hexene on Silicalite-1 Zeolite Membrane Coated Pd-Co/A.C. Catalyst Topics in Catalysis, 2010, 53, 608-614.

[30] X.G. San, Y. Zhang, W.J. Shen, N. Tsubaki, New Synthesis Method of Ethanol from Dimethyl Ether with a Synergic Effect between the Zeolite Catalyst and Metallic Catalyst, Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23, 2843–2844.

[31] San X.G., G.H. Yang, Y. Zhang, X.G .Li, N. Tsubaki, New method for ethanol synthesis via two-Stage reaction: investigation for products selectivity under various reaction temperatures, Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute, 2009, 52, 357-358.

[32] Y. Yoneyama, X.G. San, T. Iwai, N. Tsubaki, One-step synthesis of isoparaffin from synthesis gas using hybrid catalyst with supercritical butane, Energy & Fuels, 2008, 22, 2873–2876.













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