
作者: 时间:2023-11-20 点击数:



2010.09——2014.06       中国地质大学,资源勘查工程(能源)专业学士学位

2014.09——2016.06        南加州大学,石油工程专业硕士学位

2019.09——2022.06        大连理工大学大学,能源与环境工程专业博士学位


2023.10——至今         mk体育官网,mk体育官网,讲师





1. Junchen Lv, Kunpeng Xue, Zucheng Cheng, Sijia Wang, Yu Liu, Hailin Mu; New insights into gas production behavior and seepage-wettability evolution during methane hydrate dissociation in sand matrix by NMR investigation. Fuel 316 (2022):123344.

2. Junchen Lv, Lanlan Jiang, Hailin Mu, Kunpeng Xue, Zucheng Cheng, Sijia Wang, Yu Liu; MRI investigation of hydrate pore habits and dynamic seepage characteristics in natural gas hydrates sand matrix. Fuel 303 (2021): 121287.

3. Junchen Lv, Zucheng Cheng, Kunpeng Xue, Yu Liu, Hailin Mu; Pore-scale morphology and wettability characteristics of xenon hydrate in sand matrix-Laboratory visualization with micro-CT; Marine and Petroleum Geology 120 (2020): 104525.

4. Junchen Lv, Zucheng Cheng, Jiateng Duan, Sijia Wang, Kunpeng Xue, Yu Liu, and Hailin Mu. "Enhanced CH4 recovery from hydrate-bearing sand packs via CO2 replacement assisted thermal stimulation method." Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (2021): 104326.

5. Junchen Lv, Jiafei Zhao, Lanlan Jiang, Yu Liu, Hailin Mu; A review of micro computed tomography studies on the gas hydrate pore habits and seepage properties in hydrate bearing sediments; Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (2020): 103555.

6. Junchen Lv, Kunpeng Xu, Zhaoda Zhang, Zucheng Cheng, Yu Liu, Hailin Mu; Pore-scale investigation of hydrate morphology evolution and seepage characteristics in hydrate bearing microfluidic chip. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 88 (2021): 103881.

7. Junchen Lv, Yuan Chi, Changzhong Zhao, Yi Zhang, Hailin Mu; Experimental study of the supercritical CO2 diffusion coefficient in porous media under reservoir conditions ; Royal Society open science 6.6 (2019): 181902.

8. Shuyang Liu, Changzhong Zhao, Junchen Lv, Pengfei Lv, Yi Zhang; Density Characteristics of the CO2-CH4 Binary System: Experimental Data at 313-353 K and 3-18 MPa and Modeling from the PC-SAFT EoS. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 12 (2018): 4368-4380.

9. Zhao, Changzhong, Junchen Lv, Guanchu Li, Qian Zhang, Yi Zhang, Shuyang Liu, and Yuan Chi; Densities of CO2/N2/O2 ternary mixtures at temperatures from (300.15 to 353.15) K and pressures from (5 to 18) MPa. Thermochimica Acta 676 (2019): 20-26.

10. Chi, Yuan, Changzhong Zhao, Junchen Lv, Jiafei Zhao, and Yi Zhang; Thermodynamics and kinetics of CO2/CH4 adsorption on shale from China: Measurements and modeling. Energies 12, no. 6 (2019): 978.

11. Li, Zerong, Lei Yuan, Guodong Sun, Junchen Lv, and Yi Zhang. "Experimental Determination of CO2 Diffusion Coefficient in a Brine-Saturated Core Simulating Reservoir Condition." Energies 14, no. 3 (2021): 540.

12. Wang, Sijia, Zucheng Cheng, Qingbin Liu, Pengfei Lv, Junchen Lv, Lanlan Jiang, and Yongchen Song; Microscopic insights into CH4 hydrate formation and dissociation in sediments using microfluidics. Chemical Engineering Journal (2021): 130633.




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